Requirements regarding housing elements
Floor types/litter
In principle, it is preferable to cover the floor at least partially with litter. This is especially important in case of lower temperatures. Suitable bedding materials are, for example, straw, wood shavings, a mix of straw and wood shavings, chopped straw, and straw cubes. Bedding allows the rabbits to scratch and dig, hence offers additional enrichment.

For hygienic reasons, perforated floors should be given preference in the feeding and drinking areas (to avoid wetness, soiling, and an accumulation of manure). Regardless of the floor type, floors must remain dry, as wetness can very often cause paw diseases. Suitable perforated floors are plastic floors with slats/mesh or with holes, under the precondition that the gap or hole size is suitable for the size of the respective animals. Regarding gap or hole sizes, especially young animals have to be considered. So far, in fattening rabbits a distance of 10-12mm and in breeding rabbits a distance of 12-14mm have proven suitable.

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